
We promote
 Peace   Dialogue   Friendship 

Intercultural Dialogue Institute is a non-profit organization whose purpose is to advance social cohesion via(through) personal interaction by promoting respect and mutual understanding among people of all cultures and faiths through dialogue and partnership.

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Intercultural Dialogue Institute aims to promote enduring interfaith and intercultural cooperation, tolerance and dialogue by sharing our differences and similarities in an effort to enhance civil society, to promote the development of human values, and to advance diversity and multiculturalism in the society.

The Institute is dedicated to eliminating false stereotypes, prejudices, and unfounded fears through direct human communication. By pursuing this mission, IDI strives to enhance diversity, pluralism, and multiculturalism across Canada.


IDI was formed in 2010 as a joint effort of several organizations and currently have 11 chapters and regional office in major cities of five Canadian province.

The Institute is not a religious or ethnic organisation. It aims to facilitate dialogue on a whole range of social issues, regardless of any particular faith or religion. It stands for democracy, human rights, the non-instrumentalisation of religion in politics, equality and freedom of speech.


Defining Dialogue

At the IDI Ottawa, we understand dialogue to consist of meaningful interaction and exchange between people of different groups (social, cultural, political and religious) who come together through various kinds of conversations or activities with a view to increased understanding.

Target Audience

Overall, the IDI Ottawa’s target audience is a proportional cross-section of people from different backgrounds living and working within the regions in which we operate. In our commitment to fostering unity across cultural and religious boundaries, we also aim to engage individuals from diverse sectors, including academia, key stakeholders, community organizations, and the media.


• IDI Ottawa tries to connect communities by bringing people, communities and different sectors together.

• We empower the engagement by building capacity for dialogue.

• Inspiring new ideas by developing new ideas through discussion panels.

• IDI Ottawa is also  interested in facilitating dialogue on the following areas:

  • Peace-building and Conflict Resolution
  • Community Cohesion and Multiculturalism
  • Dialogue Theories and Practice
  • Family and Women Empowerment
  • Education and Youth
  • Human Rights and Civil Liberties
  • Theology and Religious Studies
  • World cultures and Societies


Board Members

Osman Erol Chair
Ann E. Miller Vice Chair
M.Yusha Turna Secretary
Connor Grant Treasurer
Shirin Kabiri Member

Executive Team

Fatih Gencoglu Managing Director
Kerim Anulur Outreach Coordinator
Havva Mutlu Women's Committee Coordinator
Belma Cavdaro Project Coordinator