2024 Panel Discussion: Building a Harmonious Multicultural Society



Join us for a thought-provoking panel discussion organized in collaboration with the World Multicultural Festival, titled “Fostering Unity Through Education: Building a Harmonious Multicultural Society.” This event aims to delve into the vital role of education in promoting societal unity.

Our esteemed keynote speakers will share their expertise and insights, exploring strategies for cultivating educational systems that embrace and celebrate cultural diversity. The discussion will focus on fostering empathy, understanding, and cooperation among diverse communities.

Purpose: This panel discussion aims to explore the crucial role of education in fostering unity and understanding across diverse cultural landscapes. The event seeks to engage educators, policymakers, community advocates, and the public in meaningful conversations on creating educational systems that embrace and celebrate cultural diversity. Through this dialogue, the event intends to uncover and share effective strategies that promote empathy, understanding, and cooperation among various cultural communities.

Nature: The event will feature a blend of keynote speeches, panel discussions, and cultural performances, creating a dynamic and engaging atmosphere. It serves as a platform for sharing insights, experiences, and practical approaches towards building a more inclusive and harmonious multicultural society.

Key Issues or Messages

  1. Importance of Education in Multicultural Integration: Highlighting how public and educational initiatives can bridge cultural divides and foster mutual understanding.
  2. Collaboration Across Cultures: Discussing the role of cross-cultural cooperation in enhancing the educational and community leadership experience and promoting social cohesion.
  3. Policy and Community Engagement: Exploring the impact of policy decisions on multicultural education and community involvement in shaping these policies.

Desired Outcomes

  • Increased awareness of the challenges and opportunities in multicultural education.
  • Practical strategies for educators and policymakers to implement that promote inclusivity.
  • Strengthened networks among community leaders, educators, and policymakers focused on multicultural integration.

What to Expect:

  • Engaging discussions on the intersection of education and societal unity
  • Opportunities to connect with like-minded professionals and leaders
  • Captivating cultural performances, music, and delightful light snacks

Event Details:

Organizing Partners: Intercultural Dialogue Institute Ottawa and World Multicultural Festival

Title: Conversation on Education and Unity: A Multicultural Dialogue

Theme: Fostering Unity Through Education: Building a Harmonious Multicultural Society

Date: June 22nd, 2024

Time: 3:00pm – 6:00pm

Location: 335 Michael Cowpland Dr, Ottawa ON K2M 2C5

Registration :Click Here to Reserve Your Seat”


  • 15:00 – 15:30 – Welcoming
  • 15:30 – 15:45 – Performance by the African-Canadian Choir
  • 15:50 – 16:30 – Panel Session: Fostering Unity through Education
  • 16:35 – 16:45 – Chinese Cultural Dance Performance
  • 16:50 – 17:30 – Panel Session: Building A Harmonious Multicultural Society
  • 17:35 – 17:50 – Indian Cultural Dance Performance
  • Networking Session

This event is a unique opportunity for educators, policymakers, community advocates, students, and professionals to come together and contribute to meaningful conversations about the future of inclusive education and cultural diversity.

Don’t miss this chance to be part of an inspiring dialogue that will help shape a more harmonious multicultural society. We look forward to your participation!

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